"But Yahweh's faithful love for those who fear him is from eternity and for ever; and his saving justice to their children's children; as long as they keep his covenant, and carefully obey his precepts."; Palms 103:17-18

1. Adam
  • fertility
  • dominion over the earth
Tree of Life Genesis 1:28-30: "God blessed them, saying to them, 'Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it..." Genesis 2:15-17: "Yahweh God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and take care of it..."
2. Noah and the earth
  • The earth will never be destroyed by flood waters again (water will become a sign of salvation)
Rainbow Genesis 6:18; 9:9-17; Sirach 44:17-18. "God spoke as follows to Noah and his sons, 'I am now establishing (maintaining) my covenant with you and with your descendants to come...'" Genesis 9:8-9
3. Abraham = 3-fold, (continues with Isaac, Jacob and descendants)
  • and, nation (descendants), and world wide blessing
Circumcision on the 8th day Genesis 12:3, 15:1-18, 17: 1-27, 18:18 and 22:18, 26:3-5, 28:10-14; Exodus 2:24; Sirach 44:19-20. "God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Exodus 2:24
4. Moses and Israel
  • Sinai Covenant law, liturgy, and an ordained Priesthood
Ark of the Covenant
Ten Commandments
Exodus 19-24; 34:10, 27, 28; Deuteronomy 5:2-3. "So now, if you are really prepared to obey me and keep my covenant, you, out of all peoples, shall be my personal possession" Exodus 19:5
5. Aaron and Sons
  • perpetual ministerial priesthood of the Levites
Salt Exodus 40:15; Leviticus 2:13; Numbers 18:19; Sirach 45:7; Jeremiah 33:21. "Everything the Israelites set aside for Yahweh from the holy things, I give to you and your sons and daughters, by perpetual decree. This is a covenant of salt for ever before Yahweh, for you and your descendants too." Numbers 18:19
6. Phinehas
  • perpetual priesthood in Covenant of Peace
(prefigures Christ)
Seamless robe and miter Numbers 25:11-15; Sirach 45:24. "To him I grant my covenant of peace. To him and his descendants after him, this covenant will assure the priesthood for ever." Numbers 25:12-13
7. David and descendants
  • dynasty and throne forever secure
Throne / Temple 2 Samuel 7:11-17, 23:5; Sirach 45:25. "Yes, my House stands firm with God: He has made an eternal covenant with me..." 2 Samuel 23:5
8. Jesus (Yah-shua/Heshua = Yahweh saves or I save) also written Yehosua = Joshua. He fulfills all previous covenants and gives the gift of the sacraments and eternal salvation. The Cross,
the true "Tree of Life"
Isaiah 55:3; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Hebrews 12:24. "...This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you." Luke 22:20
""...This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink it, do this as a memorial of me." 1 Corinthians 11:25, external covenant Hebrews 13:20

* There are many more Scripture passages referring to Yahweh's Eight Covenants than those listen in the chart. In addition, some covenants have stipulations and conditons whilw others have none.
Some additional Scripture references for the various covenants are listed below: